Important notice - Covid19!!!
Diese Informationen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung gültig. Aktuelle Anweisungen finden Sie in den neuesten Nachrichten.

Croatia implemented additional containment measures in order to decrease risk of introduction and spread of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Croatia.
All Croatian and foreign citizens entering the Republic of Croatia from a list of mostly affected countries, must be submitted to 14-day health monitoring in organized quarantine or strict self-isolation.
- China
- Italy
- Germany
- South Korea
- Iran
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Singapore
- Malesia
- France
- Switzerland
- Spain
- Austria
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Netherlands
- Sweden
The screening procedures for travelers entering the Republic of Croatia are defined in a way to ensure the highest possible protection of health and passengers with minimal disruption to international traffic.
Please note that these are current measures, you can find updates on the website: